In harmony with Nature

Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority

Tasked with the protection, management and administration of the wildlife of Zimbabwe

The Zimbabwe Parks & Wildlife Management Authority has a proud history of sound management in conservation since 1975. Zimbabwe’s rich biodiversity provides a haven for many species of flora and fauna to survive and thrive.


Largest Elephant Population in the World


Largest Rhino Population in the World.

≈ 151

Fish Species.

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Conservation Efforts

Conservation Research

Research provides tangible evidence on the balance of ecosystems and the ecological relationships between species and their habitats.


Community Conservancies are community-based organisations created to support the management of community-owned land for the benefit of livelihoods.

Conservation Education

Our education programs stimulate an interest in conservation, environmental processes and cultural heritage.

Park Protection

We are a strong force of dedicated men and women that have taken up arms to wage a war against poaching.

Joint Commissions

Joint Commissions form an integral part of conservation and protection of wildlife; they are central instruments for bilateral and multilateral cooperation amongst countries.

Human & Wildlife Conflict

The Authority continues to engage affected communities, building and creating awareness, developing response mechanisms to mitigate the effects and promoting co-existence between people and animals.