Lake Chivero

About the park

The park is located about 34 km out of Harare, off the Harare-Bulawayo highway. The beautiful views of the lake, the wildlife and the proximity to Harare make it an ideal destination for nature lovers- once embraced by the serenity of the park; it is hard to imagine the sprawling urban jungle called Harare is only a few kilometres away.

The park is about 61km 2 in size and is covered by high veld vegetation dominated by Brachystegia and miombo woodland with intermittent views of the lake. About 400 species call Lake Chivero home and in 2013 the park was declared a RAMSAR wetland site. The park is also host to white rhino, giraffe, zebra and wildebeest among others.

how to get there

Access by Road

From Harare, travel 30 km along the Harare – Bulawayo and take a left after the Manyame River bridge, then take a right at the t-junction proceed with the gravel road till you reach the entrance gate.

what to wear?

September to March

For summer, cool comfortable clothing is recommended along with sunhats and sunscreen.

April to August

For winter and autumn, warm clothing is recommended, especially for the night times.
Wear earthy colours and avoid bright-coloured clothing like red, yellow, bright green etc

what to bring?

Binoculars, cameras, hiking/ walking shoes and wildlife reference books or smartphone applications.
Food supplies enough for the stay.
Medical Aid Kit.
Malaria and insect repellant.
Mosquito nets.


Charging rhinos.


Day Visitors/ Accomodated

Day Visitors/ Accomodated

Day Visitors/ Accomodated
US$ 0.00/ US$ 0.00
US$ 0.00/ US$ 0.00
US$ 0.00/ US$ 0.00
Vehicle Entry
US$ 0.00/ US$ 0.00
US$ 0.00/ US$ 0.00
US$ 0.00/ US$ 0.00